Welcome to our *rebranded* podcast!
July 29, 2022

Financially sustainable travel, with 'The Professional Hobo' Nora Dunn

Financially sustainable travel, with 'The Professional Hobo' Nora Dunn

 At this time of year we may all be dreaming of exotic destinations - but for Nora Dunn travel is a way of life.

Her almost 17 years on the road have taken her to some incredible places, and you definitely need to check out her website and socials if you're getting itchy feet. But the most important thing is that Nora has figured out how to do all of this while balancing the budget - adapting her destinations, lifestyle, and activities, to ensure she can do everything she wants, without overspending or debt.

So if you've ever contemplated the digital nomad lifestyle but considered it out of reach, or have no idea how to really live like a local and not a tourist whatever your destination, you'll find Nora's advice invaluable. From technical tricks to mindset shifts, every freelancer will learn something new from the Professional Hobo...

Just remember to send us a virtual postcard, wherever you end up!
Keep in touch with Nora at:


Let us know what you think, and what subjects you'd enjoy hearing about in future, just message our host Maya Middlemiss.

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Here's to your own freelance future 🤩